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Keeping pace with your team
These frequently linear schemes involve crossing multiple land parcels. Not only does this mean crossing different topography, geology and land ownership boundaries. It also involves different types of archaeological remains. While at Headland Archaeology, Joe learned a huge amount about the importance of working with the Quantity Surveyors (QS) on such schemes. Water pipe schemes such as the Angelinos Pipeline involved working in a very controlled way with the excavation and pipe-laying teams. Stretches of pipeline trench were available for short, agreed windows. We helped to predict how long these needed to be and then worked to ensure these windows of time were met.
This experience and others like it were incredibly useful in developing the monitoring tools, communication techniques and reporting skills to both recognize and document change in a way that a QS would find helpful.
We know the complexity of accessing different land parcels and we understand the need to be respectful of arrangements and to access and egress in agreed ways. We look forward to hearing about your utility scheme and helping this work in terms of archaeology.