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Preparation of a Planning Application 

Helping Development Teams to prepare a Planning Permission


·         Assessments (desk-based)

These reports review the known (published and archived information) available, this will include the Historic environment Record (HER), the evidence from previous investigations in and around the Site and they may involve consultation with the LPA’s archaeology advisor.  A site visit is undertaken and an assessment of the site’s archaeological potential is made.  If historic buildings are involved, the report can be expanded to include a specific Assessment.


These documents present an opportunity, if produced in a client focused manner. They offer a chance to spot risk both below the ground and also in the surrounding landscape (setting). They can accurately relay information about your development and its likely impacts. We ensure that all relevant policy and guidance is referred to. In so doing we make the document useful to you in risk recognition and also as a scoping tool, influencing and contributing to the way your development is seen, and potentially conditioned, in due course.


The setting of a Heritage Asset is also described and assessed in line with the requirements of NPPF. This considers the indirect impact of a development upon a heritage asset.


·         Setting Assessment

Current policy and guidance requires consideration of impact on both below ground remains and on the ‘setting’ of monuments which are nearby, or sometimes within a development area. Assessing the significance of a monument and understanding what makes up its setting, and how that setting contributes to the significance of a monument are key.

In our experience, when archaeological issues are contentious, it is most often where it concerns the setting of a heritage asset. This is why, when we recognise setting as an issue, we may advise a stand alone setting assessment.


·         Environmental Statement

If the development requires it, our assessment reports can form the baseline element at the core of an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) technical appendix or for the Cultural Heritage chapter of an Environmental Statement (ES). On larger development sites and Environmental Statement may be needed. These may require a full Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) or they may require a sub-EIA Chapter on archaeology. Often this will be dealt with in a Cultural Heritage chapter which looks at buildings and archaeology.


·         Scheduled Monument Consent (SMC)

We are able to assist in the preparation of Scheduled Monument Consent (SMC) applications. This includes initial site visits and follow on consultation with relevant statutory body. We can assist you in articulating the reasons why SMC is needed and in completing the relevant paperwork. On occasion survey and/or other fieldwork is needed. We can cover all eventualities.


·         Expert Witness

When your development needs a highly experienced witness to support the team, we are here. From the preparation of proof of evidence to explaining evidence; we are experienced in the preparation of Proof of Evidence, Statement/s of Common Ground and in taking part in Conferences. Let us complete Consultation on your behalf, review the documentation and come back to you with a detailed understanding of risk in this area

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