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  • Writer's pictureAbrams Archaeology

Climate Heritage Network

Abrams Archaeology Ltd became a member of the Climate Heritage Network in January 2022.

Over 50% of our workload at this time is with renewable energy projects and we are proud to support this initiative. Which you can discover more about here:

The Climate Heritage Network Vision

Despite profound connections between climate change and culture, today there are thousands of arts, culture and heritage actors and advocates whose talents have not yet been mobilized on climate change issues, including administrators, anthropologists, archaeologists, architects, artists, conservators, curators, engineers, historians, librarians, musicians, urban planners, site managers, as well as scientists, researchers, teachers and scholars and carriers of indigenous knowledge and local wisdom whose talents have not yet been mobilized on climate change issues. This is so even in jurisdictions that have made ambitious climate action pledges via networks like the Under 2 Coalition. The Climate Heritage Network aims to flip that paradigm.

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